Monday, February 15, 2021

Selling Blockcollider EMB tokens

 Selling Block collider EMB tokens

If u want to sell ur emblems , if u need to get them to bilaxy .

u will try to transfer from ur mew but it will get failed.

it Iis because they have changed the contract address but haven't removed the earlier emb.

first add custom token with a name like EMB2 in ur mew , with 8 decimal as per the contract.

now try transfer , u will succeed.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Was Office really like school today ???

You used to have 1 Games period in whole week in school ,

 finally when it arrived , it used to rain sometimes ...

that was SAD !!!! ...

then some substitute teacher used to come and tell you to study ...


did you have the same feeling in office today ???

or do you always feel like this when you are in office ???