Friday, January 29, 2010

Be A Human Being

Each and everyone of us in this world are trying to achieve one’s own selfish motto. Every person is using each and every thing for his own sake. As long as that thing is useful we want to get maximum profit out of it and afterwards when it will not be profitable for us we will throw it off. This is not only the case with non living things but people use this same phenomenology with human beings. We keep good relations with the people around us with the intention that in case of any need or urgency they will help us. No one wants to help others keeping their personal/selfish motto aside. Every one wants something in return. But we have not given a thought that what this world is giving to us, what the nature is giving to us and what we have given in return. We started taking all these things for granted. No one wants to do something for the world, No one wants to help poor and needy ones, and No one wants to do something for the nature. Instead of having been aware of the facts what a great contribution is of nature in our life, we are only exploiting it.

“We take air - Which comes out from the trees grown by our forefathers
We eat food- Grown by peasant who barely eats properly
We walk on roads- Built by taxes of people who we don't even know
Our nature has got a rule - As u sow, so u reap
U put one grain of wheat to earth and u get 17 or more from it.
U give good to world and u get good from it.
U give bad and u get bad.”

Through the nature God has given us a lesson of helping others without seeking something in return. God has created humans to help each other, but today we all are busy in mere achieving our own selfish objectives. If we help others and do the right work assigned by God to us then in return God will bless us and provide us whatever we wish. So, think and behave like human beings and help others to prosper.

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